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EDUCPROS | 21.10.2016 · Integration: more doctors on permanent contracts, three years after their diploma
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EDUCPROS | 16.10.2015 · Doctors looking for corporate jobs
THE WORLD | 14.10.2015 · Doctoral students are not popular in large companies
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RESEARCHERS, MANAGERS OF TOMORROW | 26.01.2011 What if the researchers of today were the business leaders of tomorrow?
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Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
Know the professions and professional environments
Know the job market for doctors
Context & objective
Knowing about the different professional opportunities at the end of a doctorate constitutes a precious help in one's career choices. This training aims to scan the broad spectrum of positions open to doctors as well as the skills expected by recruiters.
> Know how to identify the skills developed during the doctorate
> Better understand the market and the socio-economic context
> Identification of the skills sought by the job market
> Know how to identify career opportunities open to doctors (in France and abroad) both in the academic sector and in the private sector adapted to their profile
Module 1: Characteristics of the job market for doctors
Professional opportunities open to doctors in the first years following the defense Key figures on the employment market for doctors in France (statistical studies on career pursuits, CAREER study, employment survey, etc.): sectors of activity, typology of jobs, wages
Comparison between disciplines
The job market for doctors abroad Comparison between the dynamics of the major geographical areas
Module 2: Career developments open to doctors over time
Know the possible evolutions in terms of sectors and professions throughout the career
Illustration via examples of career paths and argumentation of professional transitions
Module 3: Learn about trades
Techniques for identifying the types of positions and industries recruiting PhDs
Knowing how to decipher a job description, the missions, the work environment and the skills expected
Pedagogical tools and methodology
Testimonial sheets from doctors in post; Sector data provided by the R&D division of Adoc Talent Management; Analysis of job descriptions; Exercises and scenarios; Documentary resources and link to go further.
Permanent researchers
Practical arrangements
Duration: 1 day
Number of participants: Up to 12 participants
Training courses
Before: Build your professional project
After: Start your job search - Optimize your digital identity and use of social media