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Tools for his professional practice

Build an experimental protocol

Context & objective

Provide agents with tools to:

> Imagine an experimental approach and ensure that it corresponds to a scientific approach

> Plan an experimental protocol by determining the conditions for its implementation so that it meets their expectations

> Concretely implement this protocol and manage an experimental campaign that meets the quality criteria necessary for its scientific exploitation.


Introduction and round table

Module 1: What is a protocol/an experiment? What can I expect from it?

  • Elements of epistemology: what is science, what is knowledge?

  • The different types of reasoning: deductive, inductive, hypothetico-deductive

  • Basics of logic (implications, difference between necessary and sufficient) and useful statistics (null hypothesis)   

  • Search for rupture, incremental search, serendipity

  • Research and Ethics

Unit 2:  How can I build my experience and ensure that it will meet my objectives?

  • Identification of a problem, the example of the Ishikawa diagram (5M method)

  • Formulation of a problem: difference between theoretical model, experimental hypothesis and operational hypothesis

  • Classes of protocols (Blind/ double blind, single dissociation/ double dissociation)   

  • Statistical tests, dimensioning of an experiment

  • Build your experimental design, notion of experimental plan and controlled and uncontrolled factors, optimize the number of experiments to be carried out while ensuring the reliability/quality of the results

  • Experimental biases

  • Ethics and regulations

Module 3: How do I manage my experimentation campaign to ensure that it is usable?  

  • Presentation of project management tools (planning, etc.), agile methods, application to planning an experience campaign

  • Quality and standardization of protocols, SOP.

  • Archiving/ reproducibility/ ethics: the laboratory notebook and new tools for managing an experimental campaign (Open Science Framework)

  • How to federate a team and ensure compliance of the work carried out with the initial expectations

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Theoretical content; Educational exercises; Group work on concrete situations; Support and bibliographical references.


Research staff (ITA/BIATSS)

Practical arrangements

Duration: 1 day

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

Before: Conducting your doctoral project - Managing your scientific project - Perfecting your monitoring and bibliographic management 

After: Developing your research within a scientific network - Developing your scientific writing methodology - Considering the issues of scientific integrity and plagiarism

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