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Innovation & Studies

Searching for information in CVs

The objective of this project, conducted in partnership with the Avignon Computer Science Laboratory (LIA) is to have algorithms and tools allowing the exploitation of the information contained in CVs to facilitate the search and characterization of candidates.

For this, we use text analysis algorithms that allow us to model the parameters that influence a recruiter's choice of whether or not to contact a candidate to read his CV.


Cabrera-Diego, LA, Durette, B., Lafon, M., Torres-Moreno, JM, & El-Bèze, M. (2015, January). How Can We Measure the Similarity Between Summaries of Selected Candidates for a Job?. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN) (p. 99). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp).

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