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Develop your skills

Supporting professional mobility - interview techniques

Context and objective

The changes experienced by public and private organizations have increased the number of internal transfers within the structures. The position of mobility adviser (GPEC referent and recruitment manager) has recently appeared, but often advisers are forced to train on the job. The objective of this training is to professionalize the mobility advisers by enabling them to improve their interview techniques and better cope with difficult situations.

> Know how to conduct a professional diagnostic interview and a support process
> Knowing how to deal with the difficulties encountered in support situations


Module 1: Self-diagnosis of maintenance methods and techniques

  • Review of current operation and maintenance practices

  • Decode its practice and its limits

  • Identification of areas for improvement and training objectives

Module 2: the different times of the interview and their challenges

  • The preparation phase how best to anticipate the course of the interview

  • Defining the interview framework tips and tools for an essential phase

  • Exchanges how to promote them, how to reframe them, how to structure the exchange phase

  • The conclusion when and how to conclude, validate the key points with your interlocutor, define an action plan

Module 3: Choosing your interview technique according to the context

  • Understand the process of professional mobility thanks to the ADVP (activation of vocational and personal development)

  • Context of difficulties with the team

  • Remobilization context

  • Cropping background

Module 4: Dealing with difficult situations

  • How to limit them

  • How to deal with it reframe an interview, identify your area of discomfort and its loopholes, know how to mobilize your team to face the difficulties

  • Take a step back from difficult interview situations identify your level of investment and your prejudices about the situation; understand the difference between the expressed request and the problem

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Participatory training; Great place left for the exchange of experiences and questions; Practical exercises and scenarios after each theoretical contribution.


Executives and managers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 2 days

Number of participants: Up to 10 participants

Training courses

Before: Supporting the mobility of agents – Tools for building the professional project

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