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Laboratory of Interdisciplinary studies on the Doctorate

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Creating an Interdisciplinary PhD Lab, WHY?

The doctorate is the highest university degree in France and internationally, certifying both a very high level of training and professional research experience. Over the last ten years, the doctorate has become increasingly considered by the socio-economic world. Even if it was historically seen solely as a training for research careers through research, it now opens up numerous career opportunities in the academic and business sectors. These recent developments highlight the strong challenges in terms of doctoral training and the necessary transformation of the doctorate into a real research object in its own rights.

Faced with these challenges, Adoc Talent Management founded the first Laboratory of  Interdisciplinary studies on the doctorate, the LID, to study the doctorate, its ecosystem, uses, and purposes. Focused on collaborative research, the LID is surrounded by public, private and associative partners involved in these issues. It will communicate widely on its studies and results via scientific articles and public communications so that its data can be helpful to the most significant number of actors.

Finally, the IPL aims to understand the place of the doctoral degree within its ecosystem and society by anticipating its evolution in terms of training and professional preparation, thus allowing to accompany doctoral students and doctors in the valorisation of their competences and their career development.

The doctorate as a Research Object

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By bringing together different disciplines, the LID and its partners will shed a new light on the various dimensions of the doctorate. The aim is to study what the doctorate is today, in terms of training and professional experience, and what it may be in the future. It is also about understanding and measuring its personal and societal impacts.

Examples of current projects

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Doctors' responses to professional expectations and demands



Not everyone reacts in the same way to the same demands. For example, being asked to manage a project or meet a deadline can be exciting for some, but frightening for others. These reactions depend in particular on how we perceive our ability to meet the demand or not. However, a doctorate develops many skills that should enable doctors to react better when faced with professional needs, resulting in less stress and more motivation.


The problem is that PhDs sometimes have difficulty perceiving their skills and are frequently affected by imposter syndrome.


Therefore, the objective of this project is to examine precisely how doctors respond to professional demands and the role that this perception of competence can play. This will make it possible, in particular, to enhance the doctorate's value and advise training organizations.

Development of the IPL

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IPL creation
Events, reporting of results

Reflection, definition and Identification of themes

National and International
New Research Projects

Adoc Talent Management

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