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Know the professions and professional environments

Experience collective performance and corporate culture

Context & objective

To succeed in a good integration and to perform well in one's position, it is necessary to measure the importance of the corporate culture, to realize the effectiveness of teamwork, and to put oneself in the best conditions to integrating a team into a new structure.

> Understand the culture of a company
> Measure the effectiveness of teamwork
> Put yourself in the right position to join a team


Module 1:  Measuring the importance of a corporate culture

  • To define  the notions of values and corporate culture, from very small businesses to large groups

  • Become aware of the importance of uniting around common values

  • Understand the need for agility in business operations


Module 2: Collective performance

  • Through team play

  • Discover the importance of collaboration to achieve a common goal

  • Become aware of the role of each person within a project team

  • Measure the effectiveness of teamwork and understand its limits

  • Define the framework and operating rules of a team


Module 3: Preparing to join a team in a company  

  • Understand the modes of collaboration in business, hierarchical and transversal functioning

  • Understand the organization of a team & the role of each: manager and collaborators

  • Tools to adapt to a new professional environment

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Action training; Theoretical and methodological contributions; Games ; Feedback.


Doctoral students and contractual researchers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 1 day

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

Before: Building your professional project - Knowing the companies and professions

After: Build and activate your network - Start your job search


Adoc Talent Management

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