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Find your future job in line with your professional project

Pursuing a doctorate: a personal choice to anticipate in M2

Background and Purpose

The doctorate is a professional experience based on training through research. Understanding its specificities and its added value from the point of view of skills makes it a successful step in the professional career.
> Find out what a doctorate is (doctoral contract, funding, skills developed)
> Discover professional opportunities at the end of the doctorate
> Analyze your professional project to choose whether or not to start a doctorate


Module 1: the doctorate and its specificities as training and as an innovative project

  • Reminder on the doctorate in the LMD system, which differentiates it from other levels

  • Know the means of financing your doctorate (doctoral contract, CIFRE, regional financing, etc.) and the contractual conditions and associated actors

  • Know the framework of the doctoral contract the conditions of the doctoral research practice (rights, duties, missions)

  • The specificities of the doctoral project (temporality, open question at the frontier of knowledge, need to produce an innovative result, etc.) and the main stages

  • Useful resources and sites to find out more


Module 2: what to do after a doctorate?

  • Skills acquired through research practice

  • Professions occupied by doctors in higher education and research, in private R&D, in the public sector excluding ESR, in the private sector excluding R&D

  • Statistics on career pursuits after a doctorate in France and abroad (recruiting sectors, salaries, etc.)

  • Open positions with or without a doctorate Positions held immediately after the doctorate Career development over time

  • Testimonial option from a doctor working in the private sector


Module 3: Your professional project

  • Anticipate the doctorate as a step to be put into perspective according to your longer-term career objective

  • Why do - or not do - a doctorate in relation to one's own career wishes? What added value for your professional career?

  • The right questions to ask yourself before possibly starting a doctorate

  • Analyze your motivation and skills to start and complete a doctorate

  • How to choose the right subject and laboratory

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Participatory workshop; Concrete examples & testimonials; Practical exercises ; Educational materials (job sheets, practical sheets, resources to go further, skills analysis grid, etc.); Data from the R&D division of Adoc Talent Management


M2 students, Engineers

Practical arrangements

Duration  : 2  days

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

After: Conducting your doctoral project


Adoc Talent Management

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