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Tools for his professional practice

Discuss and analyze teaching practices

Context & objective

Putting their educational experiences into perspective in the light of other experiences helps to update and refine their approach to transmission.

> Dialogue and analyze feedback
> Consider pedagogical issues plagiarism, use of sources, evaluation issues, etc.
> Know how to deal with conflicts
> Initiate an educational exchange
> Develop innovative pedagogical processes


Module 1: Communicate and evaluate

  • To arouse interest

  • Manage time and learning rhythms

  • Evaluate methodological tools, react to plagiarism

  • Open up to university pedagogical approaches from other countries


Module 2: Dealing with Difficulties

  • Master the university administrative processes of teaching

  • Discover good practices in terms of educational and administrative support

  • Manage conflicts or difficulties with students

  • Understand the mechanisms for defusing conflicts and existing procedures


Module 3: Debating and analyzing from one's practice

  • Participate in an educational exchange workshop

  • Take advantage of your experiences and those of others, establish a record of astonishment

  • Analyze the difficulties encountered and the pedagogical processes experienced


Module 4: Pedagogical innovation and daily teaching practices

  • Understand current educational experiments

  • Set up internal structures for sharing experiences and best practices

  • Consider pedagogical experiments based on the posture and its methodologies of researchers.

  • Develop protocols validated by peers and by a collegial perspective.

  • Exchange and deploy ideas and promote their appropriation by the public

  • Understanding the challenges of MOOCs

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Participatory workshops around concrete experiences and situations; Theoretical contributions; Simulation of educational situations; Practice analysis grid.


Permanent researchers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 2 days

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

Before: Developing assertiveness and oral communication - Discovering and accessing academic research

After: Teaching in higher education using educational tools


Adoc Talent Management

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