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Tools for his professional practice

Supervise a doctoral student

Context & objective

The seminar that we are offering deals with the essential fundamentals for a supervisor wishing to be able to effectively monitor doctoral research work.

> Understanding the doctoral student's increase in skills and supporting the awareness of these skills
> Make the doctoral student responsible for his professional project
> Transmit academic research values
> Motivate and re-motivate the doctoral student
> Plan the evolution of the methods of collaboration between supervisor and doctoral student


Module 1: Managing the doctoral project

  • Defining a research project

  • Make the doctoral student autonomous

  • Define aims

  • Use planning techniques adapted to a doctoral project

  • Define the information circuits within the project team

  • Prevent risks related to the research project


Module 2: the career pursuit of doctors

  • Discover and consider career paths for PhDs (locally and nationally)

  • Define the transversal skills of doctors

  • Discover job search tools and their roles

  • Learn about the methods of building a professional project for a doctor


Module 3: Human relations management

  • Position yourself as a supervisor and clearly define the role of the supervisor

  • Motivate and re-motivate

  • Communicate in such a way as to be able to advance the doctoral student through constructive critical feedback, learn about benevolent communication

  • Understand the phases of the coaching relationship

  • Have tools to supervise the doctoral student over 3 years

  • Feedback (1 one-day session at 6-month intervals)

  • Analyze your practices

  • Exchange with other supervisors

  • Returning to tools based on field experience

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Theoretical contributions for understanding the challenges of human management; Scenario and simulation phases; Turnkey reading grid for monitoring the skills development of doctoral students.


Executives and managers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 2 days

Number of participants: Up to 10 participants

Training courses

Before: Discover the fundamentals of management - Manage your team - Recruit your scientific team - Manage doctoral contracts: legal aspects and good practices

After: Welcoming international researchers


Adoc Talent Management

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