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Tools for his professional practice

Manage your time

Context and objective

This training is designed to allow participants to take a step back from their work organization, understand the principles of time management and acquire tools and methods to optimize their daily time management.

> Analyze your workstation and time management
> Identify the main principles of time management and their impact on a daily basis
> Structure your organization using time management methods
> Use time management tools for planning and monitoring activities


Module 1: Establishing the diagnosis of your time management

  • Take a step back from your professional practice by analyzing your workstation and time management to identify possible improvements

  • Clarify your missions

  • Define the weight of its actual and desired activities

  • Identify over-represented activities

  • Identify underrepresented activities

  • Analyze your environment, identify your constraints and define your room for maneuver

  • Define areas for improvement


Module 2: Understand the principles of time management

  • Identify the points of vigilance to be taken into account in time management and the rules to be respected to optimize its organization at all levels of its activity

  • Take your time to win

  • Jackpot activities

  • The importance of deadlines

  • The weight of interruptions

  • Internal/External Time Thieves and How to Outsmart Them


Module 3: Time management in practice: methodology

  • Define SMART method objectives

  • Differentiate between urgent and important to prioritize your activities

  • Anticipate in the short / medium / long term

  • Consider human and material needs in planning

  • Why and how to say no

  • Understand the importance of delegation

  • Ensuring the effectiveness of delegation, the steps


Module 4: Planning and follow-up: the tools of time management

  • Know the planning and monitoring tools, choose those that correspond to your needs to develop your efficiency and that of your employees

  • Planning tools, advantages/disadvantages and use

  • The challenges of effective communication

  • Understand and be understood

  • Create synergy

  • Provide availability slots


Monitoring tools: shared schedule, checklist and dashboard

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Personal analysis of his time management; Planning and priority management tools; Adapted SMART method; Acquisition of a personal methodology.


Permanent researchers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 2 days

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

After: Developing your scientific writing methodology - Mastering office writing tools - Conducting your doctoral project - Elaborating your research within a scientific network


Adoc Talent Management

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