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Find your future job in line with your professional project

Optimize your digital identity and use of social media

Context and objective

One out of two companies uses professional social networks for its recruitment. It is therefore important to take care of and remain attentive to your digital identity.
> Develop your digital identity and improve your visibility on the internet
> Knowing how to use all the potential of social networks to boost your career
> Get spotted by recruiters
> Develop your network


Module 1: Understanding the notion of digital identity

  • Understand the notion of digital identity using examples

  • Highlight your personal brand according to your professional project to be visible and readable

  • Track your digital footprint using available tools


Module 2: Discover new recruitment methods

  • Know the global social networks and those related to research and science

  • Understand their use in job search and in one's professional life, the differences and similarities between the academic and private sectors in terms of practices

  • Understand recruiter practices in 2.0 mode; identify emerging trends and seize opportunities to be better spotted

  • Understand the advantages/risks of using different means of communication on your profile (written, video, sound, etc.)


Module 3: Improve your visibility and digital readability: practical exercise (requiring a computer with internet connection)

  • Become aware of its current visibility on the internet to improve it. Create alerts to be on the lookout for your personal brand on the internet

  • From a blog to Twitter, from LinkedIn to Twitter, from Doyoubuzz to Facebook, from Research Gate to Academia, do not get lost and identify the media to be favored according to the messages to be conveyed and the recruiters targeted

  • Identify the information to be disseminated to arouse the interest of recruiters in the positions and in the sectors of interest

  • Create or update profiles on the media and socio-professional networks chosen by each (practical exercise to implement the advice of the other participants and the trainer)


Module 4: Expand your professional network, identify and seize opportunities through social networks

  • Learn about your professional practice using digital tools

  • Be an actor in your professional development, know the trends of the job market, professions and organizations, identify more job offers thanks to digital tools

  • Build your professional network using social media How to get in touch? How to identify the interest groups and who to contact between head of network and actor of similar level to his? How to transform each contact into three new contacts?

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Practical and personalized advice from recruiters 2.0; Practical exercise in designing your profile on a socio-professional network; Exercise of awareness of its visibility on the internet.


Executives and managers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 1 day

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

After: Building and activating your network - Identifying and enhancing your skills


Adoc Talent Management

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