FAE | 04.06.2018 · Ile-de-France: 5 years after the thesis, almost half of doctors are no longer in public research
MYSCIENCEWORK | 30.05.2018 · PhD…what's next?
CAPITAL | 09.10.2017 · Why you should consider recruiting doctoral students in companies
THE WORLD | 07.03.2017 · Doctorate and PhD, sure values internationally
THE WORLD | 24.10.2016 · Employment: in Ile-de-France, graduates with a doctorate are doing well
FAE | 21.10.2016 · Three years after the thesis, 80% of doctors in the Ile-de-France region are satisfied with their professional situation
EDUCPROS | 21.10.2016 · Integration: more doctors on permanent contracts, three years after their diploma
eFINANCIALCAREERS| 21.10.2016 · The doctorate, a "must" for a career in finance?
THE ECHOES START | 30.11.2015 · The promising future of French PhD students
HUFFINGTON POST | 05.11.2015 · PHD Talent, the fair to fight against unemployment among young doctoral students
THE WORLD | 16.10.2015 · 79% of doctors in the Paris region find work the year after their thesis
EDUCPROS | 16.10.2015 · Doctors looking for corporate jobs
THE WORLD | 14.10.2015 · Doctoral students are not popular in large companies
NATURE | 29.01.2015 · Pick a path - Where to go to get advice on finding a job
THE NEW FACTORY | 21.11.2013 · Get your career off to a good start
THE NEW FACTORY | 13.10.2011 · Salaries: the university is on the heels of the schools
RESEARCHERS, MANAGERS OF TOMORROW | 26.01.2011 · What if today's researchers were tomorrow's leaders?
RESEARCHERS, MANAGERS OF TOMORROW | 26.01.2011 What if the researchers of today were the business leaders of tomorrow?
FAE | 06.04.2010 · CPU symposium: university presidents ask for the recognition of the doctorate by collective agreements
THE WORLD | 06.03.2010 · The bosses' factory
RELEASE | 04.09.2009 · Medef: a sparse decline
Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.
Develop your skills
Scientific project management
Context and objective
The research activity requires knowing how to manage a project. While most research staff manage their projects, they often do so empirically without theoretical input or adequate tools. This training provides the basics of project management,
skill that is particularly sought after among recruiters.
> Know the different phases of a project
> Set up and lead a project
Module 1: The project
Define the project mode and its organizational consequences
Know the different actors of the project team and their respective roles (sponsor, project manager, project team, steering committee)
Discover project management methods (PERT, Agile, traditional, cascading, adaptive, etc.)
Understand the different phases of a project
Qualify a project to choose the best method (objectives, cost, constraints, stakeholders, flexibility, etc.)
Module 2: Managing necessary or available resources
Identify the necessary human resources
Set up a realistic and precise budget
Learn to control the time of realization of a project
Module 3: Training in management and monitoring tools
Review of the different tools available
The evaluation throughout the project and the breakdown (milestones, deliverables, etc.)
Decision making
Module 4: Facilitating a Meeting
Define the agenda, the needs and identify the participants
Allocating speaking time and managing time
Make the meeting interactive
Write, validate and distribute a report
Pedagogical tools and methodology
Illustrative games of each person's role in the team; Meeting animation games; Steering tools.
Permanent researchers
Practical arrangements
Duration: 1.5 days
Number of participants: Up to 12 participants
Training courses
After: Recruit your scientific team - Discover the fundamentals of management