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COVID-19: our teams fully operational!

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought uncertainty for every player in the innovation ecosystem. We are happy to be able to continue supporting you despite this challenging situation, and to do so with redoubled commitment and rigour.

We have taken measures to ensure the continuity of all our services, in accordance with the instructions given by the governments where our offices are located (Paris, Brussels, Montreal).

As a result, all our offices are closed until further notice, but our teams remain at your disposal by remote working and can be reached by telephone, videoconferencing or e-mail.

All our meetings are held online. Our recruitment and consulting activities are still ongoing. Are you looking for a job? Do not hesitate to apply on our platform.

Recruiters, be assured that we remain by your side at all times, ready to help you fill the positions you need, or to define and implement winning HR strategies for your organization. Our training workshops, available online

Another piece of good news in this difficult context is that our training workshops are available in the form of webinars, which we adapt to different formats. Higher education institutions are closed, and several research activities are on hold or slowed down. That said, researchers still have professional development needs. We are continuing to support them in this regard by using digital solutions, delivering our courses at a distance. Our training courses are interactive and interspersed with opportunities for discussion, offering a much-needed space for socialization during this period of isolation.

Click here to discover our webinars currently available and those that will be available soon!


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