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Find your future job in line with your professional project

Prepare for mobility and/or international career

Context and objective

Nearly 30% of doctors have experience of mobility abroad. It is as essential to prepare for your departure as for your return. If this mobility is anchored in a coherent professional project, it represents real added value in the eyes of the recruiter.

> Know the state of the international job market
>Prepare for geographic mobility


Module 1: Discover the job market for doctors abroad

  • Know the geographical areas or countries that employ the most doctors

  • Know the sectors of activity that employ the most doctors in the world

  • Discover the career paths of doctors who have opted for an international career

  • Know the salary and living standards


Module 2: Preparing to leave

  • Discover the organizations that are recruiting

  • Discover recruitment methods according to geographical areas

  • Discover the specificities of applications (CV, cover letters, job boards)

  • Understand the different approaches to the recruitment interview by geographical area

  • Know the resources allowing you to go further in your knowledge of the area


Module 3: Preparing to return

  • Preparing for your return maintaining your active network, finding out about return assistance for researchers, etc.

  • Anchor your international mobility in a logic of a longer-term professional project and definition of the individual strategy of each participant

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Practical and personalized recruiter advice; Exchanges on the profile and course of each.


Doctoral students and contractual researchers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 1 day

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants

Training courses

Before: Build your professional project

After: Start your job search - Discover and access academic research


Adoc Talent Management

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