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Find your future job in line with your professional project

Redefining your professional project during your career

Context and objective

When you have spent the majority of your career in the same sector of activity, it very often happens that you question yourself professionally, some wish to study new prospects for development, others would like to change their professional life. The general objective of this training is to provide a methodology for building a professional project for each participant in order to make them autonomous in their future professional mobility.


> Analyze their professional career (initial and continuing training, experience and professional activities)

> Evaluate their general and technical skills (know-how and interpersonal skills), gain better self-knowledge

> Be aware of the economic environment in terms of employment trends (Public Service and/or private sector)

> Identify their potential for adaptation and development in relation to their wishes

> Propose realistic avenues for a new professional project while respecting the skills, means and constraints of each

> Define and implement an action plan


Module 1: Reclaiming your skills

  • Identify the main areas of activity and skills mastered

  • Become aware of the transferability of your skills


Module 2: Knowing yourself in terms of values, motivations and aspirations

  • Reflect on their values, preferred work environments, sources of motivation

  • Broaden your thinking by proposing new career paths


Modules 3: Defining possible future professionals

  • Work on the definition of his professional project(s)


Module 4: Towards a change of profession? Towards a change of professional environment?

  • Identify the activities and skills that each participant would like to mobilize in their new professional activity

  • Confront your professional project with reality by carrying out a business survey


Module 5: Implementing your professional project

  • Understand and adhere to the network approach

  • Adapt your job search tools to your new professional project

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Participatory training; Great place left for the exchange of experiences and questions; Practical exercises and scenarios after each theoretical contribution.


Executives and managers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 4 days

Number of participants: Up to 10 participants

Training courses

After: Start your job search - Build and activate your network - Optimize your digital identity and use of social media


Adoc Talent Management

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