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Find your future job in line with your professional project

Put yourself in the shoes of an HRD

Context and objective

Understand the challenges and methodologies of recruitment as they are practiced within companies.

> Identify the objectives and expectations of HRDs
> Understand the recruitment process and in particular the recruiter's tools from sourcing to integration and candidate follow-up
> Understand the particularities of the recruitment of doctors

The participants, by experimenting with the role of the recruiter, will be able to adapt their application process at each stage of the recruitment process in order to be more convincing.


Module 1: General information on the recruitment process

  • Understand the recruitment process

  • Tools and constraints related to the recruitment process

  • Awareness of the importance of highlighting know-how and interpersonal skills in terms of skills of an expert profile against a non-expert


Module 2: Preparing for recruitment

  • Reading a job description of a HRD, experiencing the constraint of understanding a job when it is not his field of expertise

  • Writing a job description translate a need when you do not master the subject and identify the required skills, soft skills and know-how. Drafting of a reading grid for the applications to be processed

  • Discovery of the tools for disseminating job offers and those for searching for candidates


Module 3: Select on resume

  • Understand the constraints related to the selection of candidates on the basis of anonymized CVs and cover letters

  • Exercises on CVs and cover letters (alone, in pairs or in groups), critical analysis in conditions similar to those of recruiters


Module 4: conducting the recruitment interview

  • Build an interview framework and experiment with it during scenarios to take on the position of recruiter

  • Understand the different types of interviews, their processes and evaluation methods

  • Detect motivation levers and complementary techniques to remove remaining doubts

  • The challenges of good and bad recruitment


Module 5: In the shoes of a candidate

  • Getting back into the position of a candidate and reviewing the lessons learned from taking office as an HRD, what adaptations should be planned to communicate to non-expert recruiters? What will be the impact on the job search? What optimization of the writing of the CV and cover letter and the preparation for the interview?

Pedagogical tools and methodology

Participatory workshop; Theoretical contributions; Practical exercises on the stages of recruitment and scenarios where participants will take on the role of HRD; Use of reading grids.


Permanent researchers

Practical arrangements

Duration: 1.5 days

Number of participants: Up to 12 participants


Adoc Talent Management

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